Practice: Population in South America#

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Write a program in that reads in the world dataset shown in an earlier slide and makes a plot of just the countries in South America colored by their population (using the column 'POP_EST' ). The plot should have a legend explaining the colors. Save the plot to a file called south_america.png .

Some notes on your implementation:

  • Recall that a GeoDataFrame is just like a DataFrame so you can filter down to just the rows for countries in South America (where the 'CONTINENT' column has value 'South America').

  • The data can be found at geo_data/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp.

  • You should save the result to south_america.png.

  • Your program should use the main-method pattern and should not use any global variables. Your final result should look like this:

Expected output of south_america.png