Practice/Reading: Pandas Tutorial#

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The first thing we will do is use the import command to load the pandas library. We will use this syntax shown below to “rename” pandas to pd so in your cells below, we only have to write out pd whenever we want to use a pandas feature.

import pandas as pd

Next, we will load the data from the CSV file tas.csv that has the example data we were working with before. We will save it in a variable called df (stands for data frame which is a common pandas term). We do this with a provided function from pandas called read_csv.

df = pd.read_csv('tas.csv')
Name Salary
0 Madrona 3
1 Ken 1
2 Ryan 3

Notice that this shows the CSV in a tabular format! What is df? It’s a pandas object called a DataFrame which stores a table of values, much like an Excel table.

Notice on the top row, it shows the name of the columns (Name and Salary) and on the left-most side, it shows an index for each row (0, 1, and 2).

DataFrames are powerful because they provide lots of ways to access and perform computations on your data without you having to write much code!

Accessing a Column#

For example, you can get all of the TAs’ names with the following call.

0    Madrona
1        Ken
2       Ryan
Name: Name, dtype: object

df['Name'] returns another pandas object called a Series that represents a single column or row of a DataFrame. A Series is very similar to a list from Python, but has many extra features that we will explore later.

Students sometimes get a little confused because this looks like df is a dict and it is trying to access a key named Name. This is not the case! One of the reasons Python is so powerful is it lets people who program libraries “hook into” the syntax of the language to make their own custom meaning of the [] syntax! df in this cell is really this special object defined by pandas called a DataFrame.

Problem 0#

In the cell below, write the code to access the Salary column of the data and store it in a variable named ans0! For testing purposes, your variable name has to exactly be ans0.

# Write your answer here!

Now, pandas is useful because it not only lets you access this data conveniently, but also perform computations on them.

A Series object has many methods you can call on them to perform computation. Here is a list of some of the most useful ones:

  • mean: Calculates the average value of the Series

  • min: Calculates the minimum value of the Series

  • max: Calculates the maximum value of the Series

  • idxmin: Calculates the index of the minimum value of the Series

  • idxmax: Calculates the index of the maximum value of the Series

  • count: Calculates the number of values in the Series

  • unique: Returns a new Series with all the unique values from the Series.

  • And many more!

For example, if I wanted to compute the average Salary of the TAs, I would write:

average_salary = df['Salary'].mean()

Reminder: Types matter#

When first learning pandas, it’s easy to mix up DataFrame and Series.

  • A DataFrame is a 2-dimensional structure (it has rows and columns like a grid)

  • Series is 1-dimensional (it only has “one direction” like a single row or a single column).

When you access a single column (or as we will see later, a single row) of a DataFrame, it returns a Series.

Problem 1#

For this problem, you should compute the “range” of TA salaries (the maximum value - the minimum value). For testing purposes, save the result in a variable called ans1.

Hint: You might need to make two separate calls to pandas to compute this since you need both the min and the max.

# Write your answer here!

Element-wise Operations#

For the rest of this slide, let’s consider a slightly more complex dataset that has a few more columns. This dataset tracks the emissions for cities around the world (but only has a few rows).

df2 = pd.read_csv('emissions.csv')
city country emissions population
0 New York USA 200 1500
1 Paris France 48 42
2 Beijing China 300 2000
3 Nice France 40 60
4 Seattle USA 100 1000

If we wanted to access the emissions column, we could write:

0    200
1     48
2    300
3     40
4    100
Name: emissions, dtype: int64

Or if we wanted to access the population columm, we could write:

0    1500
1      42
2    2000
3      60
4    1000
Name: population, dtype: int64

One useful feature of pandas is it lets you combine values from different Series. For example, if we wanted to, we could add the values of the emissions column and the population column.

df2['emissions'] + df2['population']
0    1700
1      90
2    2300
3     100
4    1100
dtype: int64

Notice, this returns a new Series that represents the sum of those two columns. The first value in the Series is the sum of the first values in the two that were added, the second is the sum of the second two, etc. It does not modify any of the columns of the dataset (you will need to do an assignment to change a value).

Problem 2#

In the cell below, find the maximum “emissions per capita” (emissions divided by population). Start by computing this value for each city and then find the maximum value of that Series (using one of the Series methods shown above). For testing purposes, save the result in a variable called ans2.

Hint: You can save a Series in a variable! It’s just like any other Python value!

# Write your answer here!

These element-wise computations also work if a one of the values is a single value rather than a Series. For example, the following cell adds 4 to each of the populations. Notice this doesn’t modify the original DataFrame, it just returns a new Series with the old values plus 4.

df2['population'] + 4
0    1504
1      46
2    2004
3      64
4    1004
Name: population, dtype: int64

You can see here that the output of the Series actually tells you a bit about the values to help you out! The dtype property tells you the type of the data. In this case it uses a specialized integer type called int64, but for all intents and purposes that’s really just like an int. As a minor detail, it also stores the Name of the column the Series came from for reference.

Another useful case for something like this is to compare the values of a column to a value. For example, the following cell computes which cities have an emissions value of 200 or more. Notice that the dtype here is bool since each value is a True/False.

df2['emissions'] >= 200
0     True
1    False
2     True
3    False
4    False
Name: emissions, dtype: bool

Filtering Data#

You might have wondered why being able to compare a Series to some value is something we deemed “useful” since it doesn’t seem like it does anything helpful. The power comes from using this bool Series to filter the DataFrame to the rows you want.

For example, what if I wanted to print the names of the cities that have an emissions of 200 or more? I can use this bool Series to filter which rows I want! The syntax looks like the following cell.

df3 = df2[df2['emissions'] >= 200]
0    New York
2     Beijing
Name: city, dtype: object

That’s pretty cool how we can get this result without having to write any loops!

Notice the return value has type DataFrame, so we can then use the syntax we learned at the beginning to grab a single column from that DataFrame (thus returning a Series).

The way this works is the indexing-notation for DataFrames has special cases for which type of value you pass it.

  • If you pass it a str (e.g., df2['emissions']), it returns that column as a Series.

  • If you pass it a Series with dtype=bool (e.g., df2[df2['emissions'] >= 200]), it will return a DataFrame of all the rows that Series had a True value for!

There is no magic with this, they just wrote an if-statement in their code to do different things based on the type provided!

We commonly call a Series with dtype=bool used for this context a mask. It usually makes your program more readable to save those masks in a variable. The following cell shows the exact same example, but adding a variable for readability for the mask.

high_emissions = df2['emissions'] >= 200
df3 = df2[high_emissions]
0    New York
2     Beijing
Name: city, dtype: object

Filtering on Multiple Conditions#

You can combine masks using logical operators to make complex queries. There are three logical operators for masks (like and, or, and not but with different symbols).

  • & does an element-wise and to combine two masks

  • | does an element-wise or to combine two masks

  • ~ does an element-wise not of a single mask

For example, if you want to find all cities that have high emissions or are in the US, you would probably try writing the following (but you’ll run into a bug).

df2[df2['emissions'] >= 200 | df2['country'] == 'USA']

The problem comes from precedence (order of operations). Just like how * gets evaluated before +, | gets evaluated first because it has the highest precedence (so does &). This makes Python interpret the first sub-expression as (200 | df['country']), which causes an error since this operator is not defined for these types.

Whenever you run into ambiguities from precedence, one way you can always fix it is to put the sub-expressions in parentheses like in the following cell.

df2[(df2['emissions'] >= 200) | (df2['country'] == 'USA')]
city country emissions population
0 New York USA 200 1500
2 Beijing China 300 2000
4 Seattle USA 100 1000

A much more readable solution involves saving each mask in a variable so you don’t have to worry about this precedence. This has an added benefit of giving each condition a human-readable name if you use good variable names!

high_emissions = df2['emissions'] >= 200
is_usa = df2['country'] == 'USA'
df2[high_emissions | is_usa]
city country emissions population
0 New York USA 200 1500
2 Beijing China 300 2000
4 Seattle USA 100 1000

Problem 3#

In the cell below, write code to select all rows from the dataset that are in France and have a population greater than 50. For testing purposes, save the result in a variable called ans3

# Write your answer here!


We’ve shown you how to select specific columns or select specific rows based on a mask. In some sense, it’s a little confusing that df[val] can be used to grab columns or rows depending on what is passed. This is because this syntax we have shown below, is really just special cases of a more generic syntax that lets you specify some location in the DataFrame. pandas provides this shorthand for convenience in some cases, but this more general syntax below works in many more!

In its most general form, the loc property lets you specify a row indexer and a column indexer to specify which rows/columns you want. The syntax looks like the following (where things in <...> are placeholders)

df.loc[<row indexer>, <column indexer>]

The row indexer refers to the index of the DataFrame. Recall, when we display a DataFrame, it shows values to the left of each row to identify each row in the DataFrame.

It turns out the the column indexer is optional, so you can leave that out. For example, if I want to get the first row (row with index 0), I could write:

city          New York
country            USA
emissions          200
population        1500
Name: 0, dtype: object

Interestingly, this actually returns a Series! It looks different than the Series returned from something like df['name'] since now it has an index that are the column names themselves! This means I could index into a specifc column by doing something like:

s = df2.loc[0]
'New York'

Now this was a bit tedious to have to use double [] to access the column as well, which is exactly why loc lets you specify a column as a “column indexer”. Instead, it’s more common to write:

df2.loc[0, 'city']
'New York'

You might be wondering: I’ve used the word “indexer” a few times but haven’t defined what that means! By indexer, I mean some value to indicate which rows/columns you want. So far, I have shown how to specify a single value as an indexer, but there are actually many options to choose from! You can always mix-and-match these and use different ones for the rows/cols.

List of indices and slices#

For example, you can use a list of values as an indexer to select many rows or many columns:

df2.loc[[1,2,3], ['city', 'country', 'emissions']]
city country emissions
1 Paris France 48
2 Beijing China 300
3 Nice France 40

Notice now it returns a DataFrame instead of a single value.

You can also use slice syntax like you could for list/str to access a range of values. There are a couple oddities about this:

  • The start/stop points are both inclusive which is different than for list/str where the stop point is exclusive.

  • They do some fancy “magic” that let you use ranges with strings to get a range of column names.

For example

df2.loc[1:3, 'city':'emissions']
city country emissions
1 Paris France 48
2 Beijing China 300
3 Nice France 40

The way to read this loc access is “all the rows starting at index 1 and to index 3 (both inclusive) and all the columns starting at city and going to emissions (both inclusive)”.

How does it define the “range of strings”? It uses the order of the columns in the DataFrame.


You can also use a bool Series as an indexer to grab all the rows or columns that are marked True. This is similar to masking we saw before, but you can now put the mask as a possible indexer.

high_emissions = df2['emissions'] >= 200
is_usa = df2['country'] == 'USA'
df2.loc[high_emissions | is_usa]
city country emissions population
0 New York USA 200 1500
2 Beijing China 300 2000
4 Seattle USA 100 1000

Notice in the last cell, I left out the column indexer and it gave me all the columns (that is the default for the column indexer).

: for everything#

Instead of relying on defaults, you can explicitly ask for “all of the columns” using the special range :. This is a common syntax for many numerical processing libraries so pandas adopts it too. It looks like the following

df2.loc[[0, 4, 2], :]
city country emissions population
0 New York USA 200 1500
4 Seattle USA 100 1000
2 Beijing China 300 2000

You can also do this for the rows as well!

df2.loc[:, 'city']
0    New York
1       Paris
2     Beijing
3        Nice
4     Seattle
Name: city, dtype: object

A tip to help you read these in your head is to read : by itself as “all”.

Recap Indexers#

So we saw the .loc property here is kind of like a universal way of asking for your data. You can specify a row indexer and a column indexer to select your data. We saw the following things used as indexers:

  • A single value (row index for rows, column name for columns)

  • A list of values or a slice (row index for for rows, column names for columns)

  • A mask

  • : to select all values

Return Values#

One thing that is also complex about .loc is the type of the value returned depends on the types of the indexers. Recall that a pandas DataFrame is a 2-dimensional structure (rows and columns) while a Series is a single row or single column.

To tell what the return type of a .loc call is, you need to look for the “single value” type of indexer.

  • If both the row and column indexers are a single value, returns a single value. This will be whatever the value is at the location so its type will be the same as the dtype of the column it comes from.

  • If only one of the row and column indexers is a single value (meaning the other is multiple values), returns a Series.

  • If neither of the row and column indexers are single values (meaning both are multiple values), returns a DataFrame.