Practice: Time Series
Practice: Time Series#
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In this notebook, we use a few features of this library called
(renamed asplt
) to save a plot to a file. You do not need to understand this part and can leave those parts of the code untouched. We will discussmatplotlib
in the next module!

Fig. 1 How I assume the stock market works#
In this problem we will be working with stock-market data. Don’t worry, you don’t need to understand how stocks work to do this problem (Hunter sure doesn’t!). All the background you need to know is that a higher number corresponds to more value (money), and a lower number corresponds to less value (money).
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# A special magic command to make plots work in the notebook
%matplotlib inline
Problem 0#
Load in the Google stocks dataset from the file google.csv
so that the Date
column becomes the time-series index.
For testing purposes, store the result in a variable called goog
You might also want to make sure you display goog.head()
so you can get an idea what the DataFrame
looks like.
# Write your code here!
For this notebook, we will only be looking at the column Adj Close
that represents the value of the stock at the end of the day. Whenever we ask you to plot something, you should grab the Series
for that column and plot with the plot
function in it (e.g., df['col'].plot()
Problem 1#
Use the plot
function to plot the Adj Close
column for the entire dataset.
Do not customize your plot in any way for this problem, since we will compare it to the plain plot.
Your plot should look like the plot below:
# Write your code below this comment and above the next comment!
# Write your code above this line!
Problem 2#
Let’s get a closer look to see how the Covid-19 pandemic impacted Google’s stock price. Select the subset of the data from October 2019 (month 10) to April 2020 (month 4). You should not specify any days in your indexing. Store your result of the Adj Close
prices for this range of dates as a Series
For testing purproses, store your result in a variable called ans2
At the end of the testing cell, we plot your ans2
to visually inspect the change in the stock price.
# Write your code below this comment and above the next comment!
# Write your code above!
Problem 3#
To remove some of the noise, let’s change the frequency of the data from daily to monthly to see how Google has done year to year.
Compute the monthly average value for the column Adj Close
. Your result should be a Series
indexed by each month over the 15 or so years of data and each value is the average value for all rows that belonged to that year.
For testing purposes, store the result in a variable called ans3
Your plot will look somewhat similar to the plot in plot 4 (but will be a little smoother).
Hint: Look at the reading before to see how we change the time-frequency of a time-series dataset.
# Write your code below this comment and above the next comment!
# Write your solution above!
Problem 4#
For this problem, we are going to be a little adventurous and have you explore some documentation to learn how to use a new pandas
function. We highly recommend that you start by reading the brief description at the top and then looking down at the examples. There is NO way that you will read this and understand every parameter available or all the syntax they use, but you WILL be able to look at an example and translate it to what you need.
For this problem, we want to compute a rolling average of the data over a two-week period. Recall that each row corresponds to a single day so two weeks corresponds to 14 days. This is different than a resample operation since for each day, it will take the average of the last 14 days (hence why it’s called a rolling average).
Your result should be a Series
with the same index. The first few rows should be NaN
as the documentation linked in the last paragraph suggests in their examples (since there is not enough data for the rolling average at the start).
For testing purposes, store the result in a variable called ans4
Your result should look something like the following and when plotted should look like the plot below (check the output after your code cell).
2004-08-19 NaN
2004-08-20 NaN
2004-08-23 NaN
2004-08-24 NaN
2004-08-25 NaN
2020-04-07 1125.788565
2020-04-08 1132.573565
2020-04-09 1142.511422
2020-04-13 1154.007141
2020-04-14 1163.633571
Name: Adj Close, Length: 3940, dtype: float64
# Write your code below this comment and above the next comment!
# Write your solution above