Practice: Plotting 2#

Download starter code

In this problem, we will work with the same iris dataset, but this time the dataset contains some missing values. As a reminder, the dataset has the columns

  • sepal_width for the width of the flower’s sepal

  • sepal_length for the length of the flower’s sepal

  • petal_width for the width of the flower’s petal

  • petal_length for the length of the flower’s petal

  • species for which species of iris it is (one of 'setosa', 'versicolor', or 'virginica').

For this problem, we have provided no starter code so you will need to recreate it from the last problem! The dataset is stored in iris_missing.csv.

First, make a regression plot of the dataset stored in df with the petal length on the x-axis and the sepal length on the y-axis. The color of the points and the line should be green (use code 'g' )! Any rows with missing values should be given a value of 0. Look back at the lesson to identify which functions you can use to help you make this plot.

Second, customize the plot using matplotlib to set the following properties

  • The x-axis should be labeled Petal Length (cm)

  • The y-axis should be labeled Sepal Length (cm)

  • The title of the graph should be Petal Length vs Sepal Length

Save your image to plot.png . Remember you will need to pass that extra parameter to make the layout tight.


Do not customize the chart in any other way! Part of this test is actually comparing the images so if you add any difference, you might fail the tests!

Your final plot should look like this:

Petal Length vs Sepal Length output

seaborn functions#

For convenience, we will put the functions you’ll want to select from seaborn here.