Missing Data#


You can download the dataset used in this reading here:

Most data in the world is messy. It might be in a format that you will have trouble reading from or it might have errors in the data! One of the most common types of errors in datasets is missing data, where a row might have some of its column entries just missing!

For example, we have a dataset of fMRI (brain scan) data that, like most real-life datasets, is a little messy. The dataset has the following columns:

  • subject: An identifier for the person being measured

  • timepoint: The time in the study

  • event: What type of stimulus the subject was given

  • region: Where the fMRI measurement was taken

  • signal: The measurement value

If we tried to load it into a DataFrame, we would see the following.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('fmri.csv')
print(df.tail())  # Prints the last rows

Notice that row 1059 has this weird value NaN for both the timepoint and the signal!

NaN , or “Not a Number”, is a common value in Python to represent the absence of a data-value. You should think of it a lot like None but has some slightly different properties that make it a little more usable in some numerical processing applications (will be explained in the next section).

The fact that we see NaN values in our data means the dataset is messy and we will have to deal with it. There is a myriad of ways to try to handle missing data, some more complicated than others. For right now, we will focus on how to detect missing data in the dataset and how to filter it out!

By default most pandas operations just ignore missing values so this isn’t a problem if you are just in the pandas world. However, we will see in the next module that other libraries for data visualization and machine learning will crash if we give them datasets that contain missing values, so we should learn how to deal with that now.

NaN vs. None#

NaN is some kind of numerical equivalent to None . It represents a number that is, in some sense, invalid or missing.

In Python, NaN operates by two rules:

  • Any arithmetic operation on NaN , evaluates to NaN

  • Any boolean comparison on NaN , evaluates to False

We can access the value NaN most easily by using the library numpy (commonly imported as np ). We will learn more about numpy in Module 7!

import numpy as np

print(np.nan)            # nan
print(1 + np.nan)        # nan
print(np.nan * 1)        # nan
print(1 == np.nan)       # False
print(np.nan == np.nan)  # False

That last line is pretty surprising since we compared np.nan to np.nan. Remember though, one of the rules of NaN is that every boolean comparison on NaN is False !

How is NaN different than None? None doesn’t allow any numeric operations on it, it will cause an error!

print(1 + None)

NaN in pandas#

So now that we know what this magic-value NaN is in our dataset, let’s see how to handle it in pandas. Let’s start by taking the average of the 'signal' column (that contains NaN values).

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('fmri.csv')

Luckily for us, pandas has some logic built into it to skip NaN values for many of the simple operations like mean ! However, this won’t always work so we will need some special pandas methods for finding and removing NaN (although, they have a weird naming convention).

  • To detect if there are missing values:

    • isnull() returns a bool Series, where True marks NaN values.

    • notnull() returns a bool Series, where True marks non-NaN values.

  • To return a new DataFrame with NaN removed:

    • dropna() removes all rows with missing data.

    • fillna(val) replaces missing data with the given value

The following code block shows how these operations work.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('fmri.csv')

# Returns all the rows in df where the signal is not NaN

# Returns all the rows in df that did not contain a NaN value

# Replaces all NaN signals with 0
df['signal'] = df['signal'].fillna(0)


Notice that the first two examples don’t modify df. Why is that? Almost every operation on pandas returns a new DataFrame or Series! For example, df.dropna() returns a new DataFrame with the NaN rows missing. It’s not until the last example, do we actually save the return value into df so the result stays.


On take-home assessment 3, we will ask for you to deal with missing data. Think very carefully about which data you want to remove and how you will remove it. A common bug students run into involves removing too many rows or too few rows that have missing data for the relevant columns.