Practice: Filter Long Lines#

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Write a method called filter_long_lines that takes a file name and a minimum number of words and prints out all of the lines in the file with at least that many words (tokens separated by spaces).

For example, suppose we had a file called song.txt had the following contents.

I'm just goin' to the store, to the store
I'm just goin' to the store
You might not see me anymore, anymore
I'm just goin' to the store

If we called filter_long_lines('song.txt', 7) , it would print the output below because these are all the lines with 7 or more words.

I'm just goin' to the store, to the store
You might not see me anymore, anymore

We have provided more scaffolding for you for this checkpoint so you don’t have to write as much. All the file-processing stuff is your job though!

Hint 1: You will want to use some of the string functions from String Functions to process each line of the file to find the ones with the right number of words.

Hint 2: You can use the len function on lists too!